Musical flow machines

A misconception by people unfamiliar with algorithmic composition ist that it’s about removing the musician from the music making process. For me it’s the opposite: it’s a mechanism for creating flow, a constant feedback loop between having an intuition, abstracting it into rules and the sound resulting from that abstraction. Classic composition lacks that rapid feedback element: having an idea, writing it down. Eventually musicians will play it and you’ll learn from that, or you use a music notation software to play it back to you. But for me nothing creates a dance like creating a simple system and then observing and reacting to its behaviour in real time. You’re alert, always on edge in the most positive sense.

See also: What I’m learning from learning to juggle [Updated: July 9, 2018]

Once or twice each month I share more thoughts, essays and materials related to the blog on my newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

Image credit: Cogwheels and pebbles by Carlos Lorenzo

Generous and generative

Today I’m thinking about generativity – generative music, generative arts, generative principles in life.

I’m also thinking about generosity – in the arts, among artists, or anywhere in life.

Both concepts share a common Greek root – “gene-“: to beget, to give birth.

To look into yourself is often misunderstood as a selfish act – something for dreamers and snowflakes. But to generate art is to be generous: to share the insights your reflections bring forth so they can enable even more insights.

Generative processes create an abundance of variations and possibilities – for the creators and for the recipients. So does generosity.

Sometimes things just make sense.

Once or twice each month I share more thoughts, essays and materials related to the blog on my newsletter, which you can subscribe to here.

New album: Possibilities Vol. 1

I tend to not use this space for personal announcements (that’s what my monthly newsletter is for), but I think a new album merits a post: Erik Emil Eskildsen and I have released Possibilities Vol. 1, an album of ambient compositions recorded in early 2016 and produced in the fall of last year. Click below to listen and purchase, and read more here.