Three years of Composition Exercises

Three years ago today I posted a single line on this blog…

“Don’t buy music gear for a year, starting now.”

…and decided to call it Composition Exercise #1.

I didn’t know then that this would be the beginning of a multi-year project and practice. I keep writing down ideas almost every day, yet with 243 Composition Exercises published and many more in my drafts file, I’m wondering whether I should continue publishing them in this format or find someething fresh to do with them?

Thanks to all who have read along so far, did translations, discussed, forwarded the Exercises, who wrote them down on note cards and left those in public places, or even wrote their own Exercises and started a Twitter feed.

If you enjoyed some of the 243 Composition Exercises released so far, consider donating a coffee and subscribing to my monthly newsletter where I share more thoughts and links related to the blog.